Wednesday 21 September 2011

Someday is nearly here...

I'm getting quite excited about this upcoming gig: a brand new venture in Edinburgh, the Someday Supper Club. I will be assisting that great mentalist and magician, Fernando Macaw - paranormal parrot. Also, if I survive that experience (Fernando can be hard work), I will be enlightening the supper-goers with poetry.

Friday 30 September, 8pm-1am
Queen Charlotte Rooms, 56a Queen Charlotte Street, Port of Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7ET

The Someday Supper Club

The club will offer you a retro glamorous evening of entertainment: burlesque, live music, a hearty Scottish supper and a desert island disco finale.
At the debut outing on 30th September, a unique ensemble of entertainers has been lined up for diners: host Pearse O'Halloran, renowned cabaret dancer Verity Power, War of the Wizards winner @ the International MagicFest 2011 Chris Dougall and winner of Glam Slam UK Chris Young.
Tickets (including supper): £21.00, available from

Saturday 3 September 2011

I am not Marc Sherland, but...

... I will be hosting Word Play this Wednesday.

Wednesday 7 September, 8pm

Victoria Cafe Bar, Tron Theatre, Trongate, Glasgow G1 5HD

Open mic opportunity created by the WORD FACTORY.
WORD PLAY is held on the first Wednesday of every month to showcase work coming out of the Factory, whilst also providing a chance for everyone else to participate. Contact Marc Sherland for a reading slot.
Guest MC: Chris Young
Featured Artist: Pauline Valance
Theme: Explorations of the 3rd Dimension.
Entrance: £2 towards our ongoing costs.
Slots: 5 mins max per person.
All performers are advised to rehearse their work and time the presentation prior to appearance.